christmastime is here
christmas time is here again, happiness and cheer again, to paraphrase the amazing vince guaraldi tune. and like charlie brown in that christmas classic, i don't like the gross commercialisation of christmas. really bugs me. i mean, we were seeing christmas commercials at the top of november. i was sick of them by thanksgiving! so sometimes it ends up taking me a bit longer to get into the christmas spirit.
lexi and i are staying home this year, and we're having a great time so far. of course it's always great to spend the holidays with the folks -- jennifer and munk headed down yesterday to visit the parents and jim, our brother -- but this year we thought we'd avoid the nutty travel that inevitably comes with travel over the holidays. last year it took us 6 hours to get out of new jersey en route to long island! so anyway our plan is to go down in a couple of weeks, still see the family and have a good time but avoid that part of traveling when everyone else is doing so.
yesterday we went out on an unsuccessful quest to best buy for a tv -- the one we wanted was out of stock -- and so we grabbed some dinner at longhorn's and then saw Night At The Museum. ended up being a very fun trip! i thought the movie had a rather long-ish setup process, but it more than made up for it. stiller is always funny, and wilson was great as well. mickey rooney and dick van dyke, too! and who knew that dick van dyke could still move like that, too? there was a little clip over the credits where rooney, van dyke and bill cobbs are dancing, and van dyke was so smooth.

i can't get enough of ricky gervais lately. that guy is just so funny. i could've used more of him in the movie. he was rather like john ritter's character in Noises Off, unable to fully... you know... he leaves all of his... right?
we had the first funf listening party last week. what a great time. lexi cooked up some great food, much wine was had, and lexi baked enough pies for each funfer to go home with one. plus, all the music we had sounded great! basically, each person starts a track in their studio and sends it off to one of the others. that person adds what they feel and can otherwise manipulate, alter or dismember and send it on to the next person, and so on. once each person had the track, it was done. so you have no idea what is going to happen once it leaves your hand (unless you're the last one!), and this is compounded by the fact that everyone in the group is a multi-instrumentalist. we're planning an EP release for january.
all the best for a great holiday!