have you lost any plastic caps recently?
for the second straight day, we've got the plumbers here, and they're trying to figure out why our tub won't drain. after attempting every plumber trick to beat the clog, a plastic cap lodged within the pipes seems to be the most likely culprit, but i know i'm hoping that's not it. that would require him to potentially cut into the ceiling of the apartment below in order to get to the pipe.
last few days have been action packed. had the big show with munk friday night and had my brother in town for the weekend. the show went awesome. here's a great flash slideshow of the night, and here's another picture of me from sooz from exploit boston! lots of people i hadn't seen in awhile were there, which was seriously cool. corin ashley kicked ass opening the night, and the motion sick were really great, too. all around a fun night.
saturday we went to fenway park and wandered the stadium for the first futures at fenway game, which was tons of fun. beautiful day for a doubleheader, and the vibe at the park was so awesome. i'll get a couple of pictures posted.
last night, t max and i were going to go to pawtucket for another pawsox game, but it rained all day so we opted out. i kinda thought the game would be called, as it had rained all day, it had rained the night before (causing them to call the game after 5 innings!) and it was supposed to continue to rain all that night. but i later found online that the game had actually gone on! pawtucket lost.
t and i will go another time, definitely. last year we went and had such a good time we never even went to our seats!
this is a rather utilitarian post... i'll try to make sure the next one is more interesting!