Friday, August 25, 2006


tonight's the big [munk] show! bill's bar, boston, doors @ 9pm, 21+ and only $5.

munk got coverage in the boston globe's sidekick section, including a big photo, right on the cover! the show is also being broadcast on sirius radio monday night and on second life. more info on munk's website.

so anyway, last couple of days have pretty much been work and quick evening rehearsals. last night we watched the new king kong after i got back from rehearsal. very good -- my only issue with it was that i felt it could've been a little more economical. several scenes could have conveyed the same information in half or quarter the screen time. didn't have to be as long as it was (over three hours!). but beautifully shot, and the fx were phenomenal. excellent movie.

busy weekend ahead, starting in a few hours! gotta pick up my brother in a little while from the train station, then it gets busy. it'll all be a lot of fun!

time to do some dishes.


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