Monday, January 08, 2007

and onward into the new year

so we're a week into the new year now. so far it's been a lot of working/ playing in the studio plus getting back into the swing of things at work.

last week i got the new Kaoss Pad KP-3. very sweet so far. i love those things.

new year's eve, kirkdorffer came over and we laid the foundation for two more new tracks. i spent the better part of the following week editing parts of our recording experiments and playing into shorter, usable soundbites and putting together sample maps with them. however, i still have to dig through and start sculpting some form into them. they both sound really good already, but you know -- they have to take you on a little journey. so we'll be finely carving the sound until it tells a little story to you.

i've also been digging through the list of new onlyone tunes that are in development. pick this one up and run with it for awhile. get stuck. what's this one about? hmmm... pick it up, run a bit... get stuck... and so on. one thing i'm finding about the new tunes is that they're sonically a lot more complex, what with the new synths i'm exploring. but this complexity is also making the process take longer. where a few years ago i might've been more improvisational and quick-moving, i'm finding now i'm a little more deliberate and inclined to take my time.

well, maybe 'inclined' isn't the right word. my inclination is often to work quickly and fly through it. but i guess my head is keeping my heart back a little, saying "okay, that's awesome, but we have to make sure to get it right so everything works." i never have demos, really, and now i'm thinking in terms of that in my own way. get a song a pretty good way along and then say "okay, so that's the tune. now let's deconstruct it completely and rebuild along the same framework."

anyway, that stuff is moving along nicely, if not as quickly as i would like. i'm thinking an EP will probably be ready by march or april. probably more ambient works this year, too. plus Funf, the Kirkdorffer/ Kowalski collaboration and Larry Banilow work. it's a good time for studio stuff. plus the possibility that i'll be producing some Troy Kidwell (Fluttr Effect guitarist/ songwriter)! that'll be great fun.

speaking of Fluttr Effect, there was a big fire at Troy and Vessella's place just before the new year. well, it was at the Pan 9 building, and it rendered homeless many, and many of those people lost a great deal of their possessions and work on top of their home. very scary. lexi and i went on saturday evening to a little get-together to help out, and we brought a couple of bags of our old clothes in the hopes that people will be able to use some of it.

can you imagine losing absolutely everything? fire is scary. really scary.


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