Thursday, September 07, 2006

time passes quickly, no?

wow -- new blog and already i've allowed about a week to go by without updating.

i'm presently anxiously awaiting the delivery of a new toy, native instruments' FM7. very exciting. at my good friend empathy's suggestion, i recently got absynth, and it's pretty much blowing my mind. between that and getting a better handle on using motu's stellar MX4, i'm having a lot of fun in the studio lately.

started working recently on a new project called FUNF with a couple of friends and a couple of brand new friends. essentially a blindfolded studio improv thing focused on electronic experimentalism, we're each starting a track and firing it over to the next guy in the queue. no one knows what they're getting, and no one knows what the others will add. so this will be great fun. there's talk of us doing a live improv thing toward the end of the month, so stay tuned! more details of the recording should surface soon, too.

last week and earlier this week i was also composing a couple of bits of music for some placements. cd got sent out yesterday. fingers crossed!

anyone been watching project runway? saw the latest last night. lexi got me sucked into it, and i could not believe that vincent was knocked off in the coutere gown challenge. i got a big kick out of him; good energy, fun, and with some definite talent. his gown didn't come out that great, but hell -- a few others didn't come out great either. tough challenge.

i also have more knowledge about making coutere gowns than i ever thought i'd be in possession of. and to think that before 10pm last night i had no idea what a coutere gown was.

RIP steve irwin, speaking of great energy and enthusiasm. a death simultaneously unbelievable and wholly expected. i mean, you just knew he wasn't going to stop doing what he loved until he died, and you had to expect that it'd happen on the job at some point, given his propensity to place himself seemingly directly in harm's way daily. best wishes to his family and friends in dealing with this tragedy.


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