Wednesday, October 18, 2006

october boston walkabout (with a few photos)

today, despite some early showers, turned out to be a lovely day in boston. i took my lunch break walking down to the public gardens, armed with a few (unsalted!) peanuts for any squirrels i might find on the excursion. i can almost always get their attention, and some have followed me some way along the trails in the park. so why not be able to at least offer something besides some goofy looking guy calling you over only to go "what? i don't have anything for you."

but they were happy to see me.

and they were happy to come up close to get a peanut.

one actually stood up straight just under my hand. i dropped the peanut lightly into his outstretched arms, and he easily caught it and scampered a few feet before setting out to enjoy it. this one took his up onto a relatively low branch to relax and dine.

but easily one of the biggest surprises was yet to come. i pondered my directionality -- right, into the common, or left, back through the other side of the gardens -- and opted for more of the gardens. shortly along the path, i noticed a couple looking up into a tree, pointing and aiming a camera upward. as i approached closer, i quickly saw the impressive sight they'd found.

holy crap! it's a freakin' hawk! a little sleuthing on the part of lexi and myself led us to believe it's a red-tailed hawk! let me know if you know us to be right or not!

more pictures posted on my site right here.

right now we're alternating between the project runway finale and the NLCS. holy crazy tv, batman!


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