Tuesday, October 10, 2006

organization is good

this past weekend i spent a good chunk of time just carefully going through and reorganizing the surprisingly large amount of music i've recorded since january. much of it is incomplete, so it was one of those things where i designate a few new boxes to place things in after assessment. the "good" stuff that i have to finish up, the stuff that is too unbaked to assess, the stuff that's finished, etc.

it was actually a rather exciting process, considering that it's really just cleaning and organizing (two things i'm not overly adept at). i was happily surprised at how many song ideas and musical fragments conveyed an image of a finished work and also sounded good. may be closer to a finished new record than i thought. also surprising was the number of songs that i had forgotten about. now i just have to finish them up! easy!

otherwise, i've been writing and recording for film/ tv stuff, picked up a new book on zen buddhism, and had dinner and went bowling sunday night with lexi, jennifer, munk and munk's very cool son trey. he and i raced a little, too, as he wanted to play his Cars videogame with me. all in all an excellent weekend. though i should probably get my own bowling ball if i'm going to keep bowling. the balls there are either too small (my fingers won't fit!) or rather heavy (my hand size is requiring one of their 15lb balls!), so my arm's still a little tired. but i did alright, especially once i stopped trying to hurl the ball down the lane like hercules or something.


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