Wednesday, November 01, 2006

tv ramblings

here's why we don't watch much tv:

this new tv season, nbc premiered two new shows that we really dug -- Twenty Good Years and Studio 60 -- and both are supposedly being cancelled.

now, 30 Rock is staying despite its being much weaker thus far than these other two. i love you, tina fey, but it's true. it's not that it's a weak show, but it's still finding its footing. the series opener for Twenty Good Years had us laughing uproariously for its duration. john lithgow? jeffery tamboor? in the words of job bluth, "COME ON!!" these guys are brilliant.

anyway, that was a surprise of last week or so, and i read yesterday about Studio 60. i had no complaints at all about the show -- well, i thought amanda peet's character needed some development. first couple of shows she seemed a little too one-dimensional, too conscious of toeing the line between a hard-ass who gets what she wants and a likeable person to work with and for. but it's not an issue that wouldn't have been worked through and transcended. and so many of our West Wing friends were back with this show! i had a lot of fun with it. it's a shame nbc is throwing in the towel on the show, likely to toss some half-baked reality or game show up in its place.

and right there is one of the many things wrong with tv now. we finally find some good new shows that make us want to follow them, and they're negated almost immediately.

i think we'll be sticking with our discovery channel friends adam and jamie for most of our new tv fixes now, especially now that my ongoing dates with tim gunn are over for the season.

i keep meaning to write some commentary about some of the tv spots i'm catching that i really dig. should keep a notebook by the sofa for this stuff.


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